miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Granada vs Betis

The granada won this 17 to betis 4-1 at the granada stadium, betis goalkeeper had nothing to do against the home team.

Became a toy in the hands of a Granada that came very touched. Now comes the derby and proved to be at a troubling moment. The League can be made very long.

This is the table of goals that left us:

  •      63' Adrián Ramos
  • Gol 32' Andreas Pereira
  • Gol 27' Adrián Ramos
  • Gol 17' Carcela-González


74' Petros

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Aggressive match, Osasuna Real Madrid.

In tte match of this weekend, there were 2 injured by the two teams.

In the 12th minute, Isco's free-kick was brought to his feet, breaking the shin and perone, the madrid players seeing this horrible image, they said goodbye to the rival player.

Then, in the 52nd minute, David garcía (del osasuna), stepped foot to the Brazilian defender of the Ral Madrid, Danilo, had to leave the field. This made the madrid would have one less player because it had no changes

Madrid was angry because they did not pitaron 2 penalties.

The Osasuna did not give a good level.

180 Vueling passengers are inside an airplane more than four hours without flying

The airport of Barcelona for the continuous cancellations, has suffered today another day of heavy delays in its flights from several airports, but especially from Barcelona

An airplane that had to make the route between El Prat and Marrakesh (Morocco).

The flight was at 5:00 p.m., but flew after 9.30 p.m.

In fact, that of Marrakech has not been the only flight of the day in which the passengers have suffered delays once already embarked. A passenger of another flight from 18.30 between Barcelona and Prague has explained that they have been inside the cabin for an hour without flying.

These are flights that fly late:

 El vuelo Barcelona-Lisboa con salida a las 17.35 ha despegado a las 20.23; el de Ámsterdam de las 18.00, a las 19.47; El de Viena de las 18.10 ha despegado a las 19.57; el de Florencia de las 19.25, a las 20.14; el de las 20.20 a París, una hora después de lo planeado. 

I put it in Spanish since it is not known to translate it.

The madrid city council search people to clean their streets

The environment ministry of Madrid seeks between 100 to 170 people to clean the main streets of madrid, dirt is one of the main problems of madrid.

Madrid has more than 3900 km of streets, of which 500 are main.

Madrid lost 2,000 cleaning workers, and insisted that to improve the situation of the city it is necessary to "increase the workforce".

The City Council received 2,349 cleaning claims. Many more than you received on issues related to waste collection

30% of complaints from the inhabitants of Madrid are cleaning.

Suciedad en las calles del centro de Madrid.

osasuna vs valencia

The Osasuna played this last weekend against the Valencia in the SADAR, in pamplona

In this 17 day, tied to 3 with the goals of:

 91 'Clerc
 61 'Roberto Torres
 6 'Oriol Riera

72 'Montoya
45 'Oriol Riera
  1 'Munir

Roberto Torres with a great shot frame the decisive goal, the left side Clerc, the best of the match is made a goal when nobody expected it.

Osasuna 3 3 Valencia

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

The man arrested for killing his ex-wife

Arrested for allegedly murdering his ex-wife on Sunday,  Francisco S.G, from municipality of ¨Huércal de Almería¨, He has 4 orders to move away from other people.

 The Civil Guard have reported that the arrested, 31, has a history of robbery crimes.

The events occurred on Sunday early in the morning. About 8.00, they alerted a strong discussion at the victim's home.

17,000 inhabitants. The Civil Guard agents who went to the house to check what happened stopped the alleged murderer.

The man was covered in blood...

Vivienda de Huércal de Almería (Almería) donde fue encontrada muerta este domingo una mujer de 33 años tras ser presuntamente degollada por su expareja.