jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

180 Vueling passengers are inside an airplane more than four hours without flying

The airport of Barcelona for the continuous cancellations, has suffered today another day of heavy delays in its flights from several airports, but especially from Barcelona

An airplane that had to make the route between El Prat and Marrakesh (Morocco).

The flight was at 5:00 p.m., but flew after 9.30 p.m.

In fact, that of Marrakech has not been the only flight of the day in which the passengers have suffered delays once already embarked. A passenger of another flight from 18.30 between Barcelona and Prague has explained that they have been inside the cabin for an hour without flying.

These are flights that fly late:

 El vuelo Barcelona-Lisboa con salida a las 17.35 ha despegado a las 20.23; el de Ámsterdam de las 18.00, a las 19.47; El de Viena de las 18.10 ha despegado a las 19.57; el de Florencia de las 19.25, a las 20.14; el de las 20.20 a París, una hora después de lo planeado. 

I put it in Spanish since it is not known to translate it.

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